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Washington DC is no exception, although being a modern capital, its foundingmyth is somewhat more modest and believable.
As a foundingmyth.
He'd not seen the battle himself, of course; he was too young, but the tale of Omar's eye had the power of a foundingmyth.
The walls were decorated with old paintings-cowboysand Indians and landscapes of a frontier nation; Washington crossing the Delaware, that foundingmyth of American determination.
All states have their foundingmyths, and unionists frequently indulge in many myths of their own.
[Footnote 9: This story of the rape of the Sabines belongs to the class of what are called "etiological " myths-i.
All Greek tragedies that we know have as their nucleus something which the Greeks called an Aition- acauseor origin.
Usage of origin myth in English
Best, then, to give her art an originmyth.
The originmyth is perhaps the most interesting part of any superhero story; for some, the only interesting part.
Asked if there's a Korean legend either would like to see adapted onscreen for diaspora audiences, Cho nominated the originmyth of Korea.
I read a lot of elephant originmyths during my research process, and they were mesmerizing.